Aquatic Center Facilities Include:
- Six lane Olympic size pool (3.5 ft. - 6 ft. deep)
- Attached wading pool ranging from 1.5 feet to 2.5 feet
- Locker Rooms
- On-deck seating for parental viewing
- Private conference/party room
Pool Rules:
The lifeguards have complete authority for the safety, first aid and procedures of the pool area.
- Per Board of Health, food and beverages are not allowed on the pool deck. Water bottles are acceptable. There is no glass permitted on the pool deck at any time.
- Swimmers must wear proper attire (street clothing and undergarments are not permitted); shoulder length or longer hair must be pulled back or tied up. Soap showers are required before entering the pool and/ or hot tub.
- Parents should always supervise their children in the pools. Children in the wading pool need to be directly watched by a parent or responsible adult.
- The only pool toys allowed are diving rings and soft water balls. No diving sticks, torpedoes, or tennis balls. Pool floats, boogie boards, and noodles are not permitted. There is no running, rough housing, and chicken fights allowed.
- There is no diving unless under the direct supervision of an instructor during a swim class/ team/ private lesson.
- Swimmies and bubbles/ back floats are the only swim aids allowed. In the main pool, a child using floatation devices must have an adult accompany them in the water. Bathing suits with built-in flotation, puddle jumpers, and life jackets are not permitted.
- Children not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper.
- Lap Swimming: Please split the lane if there is a need for 2 swimmers to share a lane. If a third swimmer needs to join, please start circle swimming. Please view our Lap Lane Etiquette for proper lane usage. Juniors may lap swim if there is an open lane, but may be bumped by an adult. We are currently not reserving lap swimming lanes at the Aquatic Center.
- Masks or goggles that cover the nose are not allowed. Snorkels are only permitted for adult lap swimming (freestyler snorkels only).
- No person with a communicable disease or open wound is permitted to use the pool. Spitting, blowing your nose, and urinating in the pool are prohibited.
- Do not climb, sit, or walk on the pony wall between the wading pool and main pool.
Please refer to the Aquatic Center Lap Swimming and Family Swim Times to see when the pool is available. Updates to the schedule will be posted at the front desk and you can always check availability by calling the Aquatics desk at 978-521-7700, x135 (October-April).
Pool Closing Policies: A pool may be closed due to weather conditions or human sanitation issues. The time a pool must be closed will depend on the circumstances. The Aquatic Center pools must be cleared during a thunder and lightning storm.
The Owners and Managers of Cedardale reserve the right to change these policies at any time. Changes shall take effect immediately. Management will post such changes in conspicuous places on the premises throughout the facility.